Homes are located “up-to” rather than set-back from the street. This puts “eyes on the street”- a safety benefit, and encourages more interaction between passers-by and people sitting on their front porches.
Garages are accessed from rear lanes or alleys or from a driveway that runs to the back of the home. By not having front entry, often protruding, garages, those walking or driving down the street have a more pleasant experience.
A variety of housing – when there is housing of different sizes and appearances, the neighborhood is more interesting and can accommodate people of different age.
Gardens at Oxbow - Attributes
The Gardens at Oxbow includes many of the attributes of traditional neighborhood or new urbanist developments including:
A neighborhood isn’t truly walkable unless there are destinations to which people can walk. The Village’s main street is three-plus blocks away, Kiwanis Park with its tennis courts, ballfield and picnic shelter is adjacent to The Gardens at Oxbow, and the eight-mile bike trail along the Robert Moses Parkway is only steps away.

Front porches, deep enough to use easily, encourage people to talk to their neighbors and others who walk by, creating a more friendly community.

An apartment on the same lot, connected to the primary home, can accommodate a parent, child or rental tenant. The accessory apartment can be located over the garage or, if the size of the lot permits, be attached to the house on ground-level. This can help family members live in close proximity to one another.

Wide sidewalks – allowing two people to walk side by side; this encourages more people to walk – and to walk together.
Narrow streets – streets only wide enough as necessary to move vehicles; this slows down traffic speed.
A connective street pattern – when you walk or drive down the street you can actually get to another place (not to a dead end) and there is an alternative route in the event a street gets blocked for any reason.